Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Clearing Post Acne Red Spots

(My Skin, ugh! You can see the flat red spots I am fading....)

 Have you ever noticed that once your acne has flattened down to the skin and healed somewhat, there are lingering red spots where the acne was? Fear not! There is a quick and simple way to fade the red marks quickly! All it takes is some spot treating!

You will need:

Benzoyl Peroxide 10%

After cleansing, spot treat using a Q-tip to apply a thin layer of BP onto each red mark. Repeat daily. 

Spot treating with the BP helps me to fade out the red very quickly. I am not a scientist, nor a doctor, but this method works like a charm!

Good Luck!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Frugal Beauty

Are you finding your beauty habit is eating up all your spending money? Let me tell you about the way I am saving money this month on soap. Soap, especially face soap, it's important to buy the right one for your skin type. (Above is the face soap I am currently using.) The thing about soap is that it is definitely formulated to be much stronger than it has to be, and it can be drying to the skin. This causes us to buy more lotions and creams of course! There is nothing wrong and no drawback at all to doing some soap cutting. You can start with your bottle you are using now. Wait until it gets half way empty, then fill the rest with spring water. Don't use tap water. Use only spring water from a gallon. (Nothing anyone's mouth has touched.) Shake well. The product will return to a somewhat normal consistency. You can do this with shampoo as well. I wouldn't do it with conditioner. Once the bottle is empty, save it and wash it and dry thoroughly. When you return from the grocery with the new bottle, cut the product right away. Use the old bottle to pour half into. Cut them both with spring water and shake well (careful of leaks). If you are worried about not cleaning as well, simply lather and scrub for a longer amount of time. You will get as clean. Another thing you can do to save money on product is to use large, discounted bottles of lotion for shaving cream. It works just as well and is more cost effective. Just be sure to get something that has a nice, sexy scent to it.

Have fun saving money with these tricks. : )

Monday, September 3, 2012

How To Quickly Heal Cystic Acne

 Cystic Acne is the worst kind of acne because it is painful and most damaging to the skin. It can take months to fully heal and disappear from your skin. If you follow my advice for care, unless you have an extreme case, you will notice it disappearing way faster from now on. You will need:

Witch Hazel
Cotton Balls

Step 1: Do a nightly cleansing with a gentle cleanser. Moisturize as needed.

Step 2: Using some Witch Hazel on a cotton ball, massage the cystic acne in a circular motion for about five minutes.

Step 3: Apply an amount of Aquaphor to a Band-aid. The amount should be comparable to the size of the cystic acne, as closely as you can determine.

Step 4: Wait until the area is dry and apply the Band-aid so the Aquaphor is sitting atop the cystic acne.

Step 5: Apply other Band-Aids as needed to keep the original one in place.

Step 6: Sleep with your bandage on overnight.

Step 7: Cleanse and repeat Step 2 in the morning.

Step 8: Repeat this whole process nightly. You will notice that this speeds the healing process exponentially.

You can also apply a thin layer of ointment to the acne during the day. It is possible to layer a concealer over the ointment but you may have better luck using simply a thin layer of ointment and loose powder to cover. (Don't worry too much about covering, because this will be gone soon.)

Good Luck!